First Exposure

Allergies saisonnières ou rhinite allergique pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement

Rédigé par la Dre Samira Jeimy – Les allergies sont dues à une réaction excessive de notre système immunitaire à des substances appelées allergènes. Les allergènes les plus courants sont le pollen, les acariens (une sorte de mite) de la poussière, les moisissures et les squames (peau morte) d’animaux. Ce thème de santé est l’avis d’une spécialiste sur les allergies saisonnières ou rhinite allergique pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement. Il est destiné au grand public et aux prestataires de soins de santé.

Seasonal Allergies and Allergic Rhinitis in Pregnancy and Lactation

Authored by Dr. Samira Jeimy – Allergies are caused by our immune system overreacting to substances known as allergens. Some common allergens are pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. This health topic is an expert opinion about Seasonal Allergies and Allergic Rhinitis during pregnancy and lactation. This health topic is intended for the public and health care providers.


Cetirizine Information last updated: October 2021 The baseline risk of major birth defects in Canada is 3-5%. This means that 3-5 out of 100 babies born in the general population in Canada will be born with a major birth defect. There are also baseline risks for miscarriages (15-25 out of 100 pregnancies), prematurity and other […]


Methylphenidate Information last updated: November 2021 The baseline risk of major birth defects in Canada is 3-5%. This means that 3-5 out of 100 babies born in the general population in Canada will be born with a major birth defect. There are also baseline risks for miscarriages (15-25 out of 100 pregnancies), prematurity and other […]


Zopiclone Information last updated: June 2020  The baseline risk of major birth defects in Canada is 3-5%. This means that 3-5 out of 100 babies born in the general population in Canada will be born with a major birth defect. There are also baseline risks for miscarriages (15-25 out of 100 pregnancies), prematurity and other […]


Trazodone Information last updated: July 2020 The baseline risk of major birth defects in Canada is 3-5%. This means that 3-5 out of 100 babies born in the general population in Canada will be born with a major birth defect. There are also baseline risks for miscarriages (15-25 out of 100 pregnancies), prematurity and other […]


Pseudoéphédrine Dernière mise à jour des informations  : juin 2023  Le risque de base de malformations congénitales majeures au Canada est de 3 % à 5 %; donc 3 à 5 bébés sur 100 nés dans la population générale du Canada présentent une malformation congénitale majeure. Il existe également des risques de base pour les fausses couches (soit 15 […]


Pseudoephedrine Information last updated: June 2023  The baseline risk of major birth defects in Canada is 3-5%. This means that 3-5 out of 100 babies born in the general population in Canada will be born with a major birth defect. There are also baseline risks for miscarriages (15-25 out of 100 pregnancies), prematurity and other […]